December 2021 newsletter
Dear colleagues,
Welcome to the second Partnerships In Salford Newsletter. This newsletter has been produced on behalf of the Chairs of the Integrated Partnership Boards.
The statutory Boards are:
- Salford Safegaurding Adult Board (SSAB)
- Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP)
- Community Safety Partnership (CSP)
- Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB)
Further information and resources regarding the above boards and partnerships.
The Salford Safeguarding Adult Board,and the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership also have their own newsletter which offer a good resource of information and signposting to training and other value resources so feel free to take a look by clicking on the links of the individual board/partnership.
The aim of this newsletter is to improve communication across the boards/partnerships, workforce and Partners in Salford and to keep you up to date with developments.
Throughout the year there are many national days and awareness days and keeping up to date can be difficult so we are going to use this platform to communicate some of the future days and events to ensure every opportunity is made to raise awareness of important humanitarian, cultural and social issues. Watch out for social media and communications.
Event |
Date |
International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation |
6 February 2022 |
Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week |
7 to 13 February 2022 |
National Child Exploitation Awareness Day |
18 March 2022 |
Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 was passed earlier this year and introduces / extends provisions in relation to domestic abuse including a duty on local authorities to provide specialist support to victims of domestic abuse and their children within refuges and other safe accommodation. To meet this duty, the partnership has set up a multi-agency Salford Local Domestic Abuse Housing Advisory Group. This group has conducted a needs assessment and developed a draft Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy 2021 2024. The housing strategy team, in collaboration with our domestic abuse and housing options lead officers, has facilitated the production of these documents through an independent consultant. In line with statutory requirements. The draft strategy is now available for comment via the link below.
Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy.
The strategy will be approved by the City Mayor in consultation with Cabinet in time for final publication on 5 January 2022.
More about the Salford Community Safety Partnership
The Salford Community Safety Partnership is a statutory partnership made up of public and private agencies each with their part to play in reducing crime and disorder in Salford.
The partnership is responsible for delivering the community safety priorities identified in the Salford Community Safety Strategy 2020 – 2023. The priorities identified are:
- Driving down crime
- Tackling anti-social behaviour
- Building resilient communities
- Protecting vulnerable people
- Reducing offending
Subgroups deliver these priorities and report to the CSP Board, which is made up of senior representatives from the local authority, health, police, fire and rescue services, probation, housing providers, the courts and prisons and the community and voluntary services. More information about the partnership.
Female Genital Mutilation ( FGM) Assessment Toolkit and Guidance
The FGM Task Group has recently launched a new FGM Assessment Toolkit with accompanying guidance. Its purpose is to support in multi-agency assessment of whether FGM has taken place or there is a risk of FGM to an adult, child or close family member.
The aim of the toolkit is to
- support sensitive discussion with those who have experienced or may be at risk of FGM
- strengthen multi-agency assessment, decision making and signposting of those who have experienced or may be at risk of FGM
- avoid survivors being repeatedly questioned regarding their experiencing thereby preventing further trauma
- provide robust information to inform decision making at Bridge
- assist in determining the level of risk and ensure cases managed at the appropriate threshold
Please submit the appropriate assessment tool alongside referrals made to Bridge to assist in screening and decision-making process and store a copy on records.
Accompanying pathways for both adults and children and a 7-minute briefing also aim to further promote understanding of associated risks and professional roles and responsibilities.
Information regarding Third Sector support services is also available on the SSCP website Female Genital Mutilation.
What is Prevent
Prevent is the Government's strategy to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism, in all its forms. Prevent works by using early intervention to encourage individuals and communities to challenge extremist and terrorist ideology and behaviour.
Training: WRAP Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent
This training is to raise awareness of Prevent and Channel as an approach to reduce the number of people becoming groomed into violent extremism. This is done by recognising, supporting, and protecting people who might be susceptible to radicalisation through multi-agency support.
This online session is for front facing practitioners who have contact with people of all ages to safeguard them from violent extremism. You can book this training with [email protected] see below available dates. If you have any other questions about the Prevent Duty please email [email protected]
Dates and times
- Tuesday 8 February 2022, 1pm to 3pm
- Tuesday 29 March 2022, 1pm to 3pm
- Tuesday 7 June 2022, 1pm to 3pm
- Tuesday 9 August 2022, 10am to 12pm
Exploitation - Cuckooing
To end Safeguarding Adults Week, we held a learning event to share information with professionals about exploitation and cuckooing. The event aimed to explain more about exploitation, what it is, what to look out for and what you can do if you spot potential signs of exploitation / cuckooing.
This was the first online learning event that has been held regarding ‘Exploitation in Adults and Young People’. It was attended by over 274 people and the feedback received has been excellent.
If you were not able to attend the event you can contact [email protected] and the support team for the Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) can send you the link so you can listen to the event.
The support team for the SSAB are very pleased to announce that we have commissioned a short animation called ‘Tricky Friends’ which was ordinary created by Norfolk Safeguarding Adult Board (NSAB) but we had the opportunity to use the video and localize it to Salford.
The purpose of the video is to help people understand what good friendships are and when they may be harmful, and what they can do if they are worried. Its only 3 minutes long and it has been uploaded on the SSAB website.
Please see feel to share within your own organisations.
Adult Grooming
Grooming isn’t something that just affects children. Adults can also be groomed and abused. Grooming is the process where the abuser carefully picks their target and they gradually build a relationship with them. The abuser may buy their victim gifts, alcohol or drugs and they will encourage them to be secretive about the friendship / relationship. This can sometimes be referred to as ‘mate crime’.
In this type of situation the abuse usually comes later down the line and will usually start small and will gradually increase. For example, it could start with borrowing small amounts of money and not paying it back. There are different reasons why someone may groom an adult at risk such as financial or material gain, exploitation, sexual abuse or radicalisation.
There are lots of signs of grooming such as:
- the person suddenly having a new friend / girlfriend or boyfriend
- they may have new clothes / gifts that they may not previously have been able to afford
- they may not have money for things like food or may have large sums of money missing from their bank account
- they may be upset, scared, withdrawn, reluctant to talk about their relationship with the abuser
Justice for Joan is a campaign to reform marriage laws in the UK to protect people from predatory marriage. Listen to the Ann Craft Trust podcast where Lisa Curtis talks to Daphne Franks about how her mother Joan was groomed and secretly married without her knowledge.
My Marriage My Choice project has developed a website providing information and resources for people with learning disabilities, their friends and carers and people working with them or interested in forced or unlawful marriage.
Training is also available for people working in Salford, this includes Workshops to raise awareness of Prevent, Small Steps Right Wing Extremism and Understanding the Threat of Incel Violence.
People in Positions of Trust (PiPoT)
The SSAB has been working closely with partners to develop a process for managing allegations / concerns regarding People in Positions of Trust.
The Care and Support Statutory Guidance formalised the expectations on local Safeguarding Adults Boards to establish and agree a framework and process for how allegations against people volunteering / working with adults with care and support needs (i.e. those in a position of trust) should be notified and responded to. Please familiarise yourself with the new process and please share it with others in your organisation. The board will be reviewing how the policy is used early in 2022.
Reminder – New referral process for Adult Social Care
A reminder that there is a new online portal for referring cases to adult social care. This should make the process easier and enable you to provide all the relevant information to enable to the case to be triaged quickly and efficiently when it reaches the Adult Social Care Contact Centre. Where possible, referrals should be made using the portal and not the SG1 Form that was previously in use.
Damp and mould in social housing
At their December meeting the Salford Strategic Housing Partnership discussed a recently published Housing Ombudsman report: Spotlight on damp and mould, which recognised that damp and mould can be a complex and often frustrating issue for landlords and residents. The report recommended a proactive approach, building actions into business-as-usual activities to anticipate likely issues without waiting for those issues to manifest and be reported. Members of the partnership shared their commitment to engage with residents to address these problems, already taking an active approach to identifying and addressing the problems. Wider partner services who engage with residents are encouraged to ensure that residents do report problems to, and engage with, their landlords, so that necessary remediations can be put in place.
Board/partnership annual reports
Please click on the links for a copy of the SSAB and SSCP annual reports
Briefing documents published across the boards/partnerships
- SSCP 7-Minute Briefings: Salford standards for listening, Knife Crime, Young Persons Plan & more
- SSAB 7-Minute Briefings: Cuckooing, Joint Safeguarding Adult Review and Domestic Homicide Review and more
If you would like us to include anything in our next bulletin or have any feedback, please email the Business Managers for each Board. We are:
- Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) – Jane Bowmer – [email protected]
- Community Safety Partnership (CSP) - Roselyn Baker - [email protected]
- Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) – Shahanara Begum - [email protected]
- Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) – Nicola Leak - [email protected]
Best wishes, stay safe and well and enjoy the festive season.
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