July 2023 newsletter
Welcome to the sixth Partnerships In Salford Newsletter. This newsletter has been produced on behalf of the chairs of the Integrated Partnership Boards.
The statutory boards are:
- Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB)
- Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP)
- Community Safety Partnership (CSP)
- Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB)
For further information and access to valuable resources regarding the above boards/partnership, the individual webpages can be accessed via the Partners In Salford webpage.
The Salford Safeguarding Adult Board, and the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership also have their own newsletter which offer information and signposting to training and other value resources so please take a look by clicking on the links of the individual board/partnership.
The aim of this newsletter is to improve communication across the boards/partnerships, workforce and Partners in Salford and to keep you up to date with developments.
Diary dates to look out for
Throughout the year there are many national days and awareness days and keeping up to date can be difficult so we are going to use this bulletin to communicate some of the future days and events. This will ensure every opportunity is made to raise awareness of important humanitarian, cultural and social issues.
- Monday 24 July - Samaritans Awareness Day
- Saturday 12 August - International Youth Day - Be Seen, Be Heard
- Sunday 10 September - World Suicide Prevention Day
- Sunday 10 September to Tuesday 10 October - Greater Manchester's Month of Hope
Safeguarding Adults Board Update
We updated last time that the Adult Board and Children Partnership have aligned our three-year strategy. The SSAB strategy has been updated and will now run from 2023-2026 and the priorities have changed slightly to the following:
- Working to prevent abuse
- Working to protect adults from abuse
- Voice of the adult (including carers)
- Communications and engagement
- Safeguarding Effectiveness
The SSAB new three-year strategy (Adobe PDF format) and easy-read strategy (Adobe PDF format) are available in the ‘About the Safeguarding Adult board’ section of our website.
Have your say!
SSAB are holding our first ever ‘Voice of the Practitioner’ survey! We want to hear from all workers, volunteers and practitioners from across Salford organisations who work directly with adults who have care and support needs. For example, care support workers, care home staff, advocates, charity volunteers, social workers, health practitioners, doctors, nurses and everyone in between. Please complete the short survey and let us know what you think!
We want to know your thoughts about safeguarding in Salford. Let us know any examples of good practice you’ve observed, and using your experience and working knowledge any suggestions you have to better protect adults at risk. All of your feedback will be read, listened to and considered by the SSAB to contribute towards continuous improvements in keeping Salford adults safe, so please let your voice be heard.
The is an online survey, mobile-friendly and completely anonymous and should take no more than six minutes to complete. Please share across your teams and organisations – your experience and knowledge is so valuable and it’d be great to hear from you!
Save the date - 27 September 2023
Learning Event Safeguarding Adult Review Stanley
Stanley was 82 years of age when he passed away in hospital after he was placed in a nursing home for a short respite stay while his carer and partner of 45 years, recovered from a minor operation. Stanley had a diagnosis of vascular dementia and dysphagia and was unable to communicate verbally. Matthew was concerned about the quality of care Stanley was receiving during this respite placement and raised these concerns on several occasions with a number of agencies with a view to trying to get Stanley’s return home. If you are interested in attending this session, please seek agreement from your manager and e-mail your name, role, organisation and manager’s name to [email protected]
Updated guidance - Think Child – Think Adult – Think Family
When working with children or adults who have children, it's important professionals are mindful of what is happening in the wider family and are responsive to any support needs or safeguarding concerns that need to be raised for other children or adults within that family.
Following a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Mathew, we have updated our Think Child – Think Adult – Think Family Guidance for Children’s and Adults’ Services in responding to safeguarding concerns.
Please familiarise yourself with this guidance.
New seven-minute briefing on positive fatherhood
Dads / fathers have a significant impact on their child’s development and are often an underused asset. Please take a look at this seven-minute briefing on positive fatherhood (Adobe PDF format) which outlines the benefits of including fathers and tips on engaging them.
7 Minute Briefing on unknown male carers and risk
This seven-minute briefing on unknown male carers and risk, summarises learning from Salford reviews and the importance of identifying and engaging with males as an essential part of your work with families.
Safeguarding Children's Partnership Update
The SSCP annual report 2022-2023 has been published and is available to view, along with previous years reports, on the Annual Report Page of the SSCP Website.
The report covers the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. It provides information about the work and effectiveness of our local safeguarding children arrangements during this period.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and for services to be effective each citizen, practitioner and organisation should play their part. In Salford, all our partners are committed to working together so that every child in Salford is safe, well and able to reach their full potential.
We hope that this annual report highlights the innovative and creative practice that takes place across our partnership, to keep our most vulnerable children safe, and to make sure that they can be as healthy as possible. As a partnership, we have so much to be proud of in Salford. This report recognises the progress that the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership has made throughout the year and sets out our commitment to continue to address the challenges that will remain in 2023/24.
Recognising and Responding to Neglect: Improving outcomes for children in Salford Event
- Monday 25 September 2023 (9.30am to 12 noon or 1pm to 3.30pm)
The experience of neglect during childhood can have significant, long-lasting and pervasive consequences, affecting all aspects of a child’s development and their lives into adulthood. The event is relevant to a wide range of multi-agency professionals from both the children’s and adults workforce and will include a range of guest speakers from across the partnership. For more information and booking details visit Recognising and Responding to Neglect (Adobe PDF format).
SSCP Multi-agency arrangements 2023 to 2026
The Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) have published the multi-agency arrangements for the next three years.
This document sets out how organisations and people in Salford will work together as well as what matters most to the people and professionals in Salford. The model outlined in the document is aimed at reducing time being spent on administrative process and systems and enabling a continuing focus on critical safeguarding matters to improve outcomes, whilst being sustainable and realistic.
More information about the SSCP and the Multi-agency arrangements 2023 – 2026 (Adobe PDF format) can be found on the about us page of the SSCP website.
A guide to cultural consciousness
The SSCP has recently published Cultural Consciousness Guidance (SSCP, July 2023) (Adobe PDF format). This reflective practice guidance aims to improve awareness and support professionals in the context of safeguarding children, families and communities in Salford.
Community Safety Partnership Update
Serious Violence Duty
The Serious Violence Duty was introduced on 31 January 2023. The duty requires a range of specified authorities; including Salford City Council, Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Services, criminal justice services including youth offending teams, probation and public health to work collaboratively, share data and information, and put in place plans to prevent and reduce serious violence across Salford.
- Implementation of the duty is underway, with Salford City Council working with its partners to gather and analyse data and produce a Strategic Needs Assessment. Our findings will then be used to develop and implement an intelligence led response strategy that we will publish by 31 January 2024 and implement over the 2024/25 calendar year.
For more information visit the Serious violence duty: Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 factsheet
If you are front facing and working directly in a safeguarding arena please book yourself onto the following courses:
- WRAP - Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent. This training helps professionals recognise and respond to young people and adults being radicalised in Salford.
- Incel - This training helps professional recognise and respond to young men and boys being groomed online to commit violence against women and girls.
- Small Steps - training about how the far right targets people in Salford and the signs and symbols to look out for.
For more details visit the Prevent training webpage.
Hate Crime
We are looking to refresh Salford’s Hate Crime Plan you. If you have a view about how to improve hate crime responses in Salford, please fill in the very short survey. For more details please email [email protected]
Health and Wellbeing Board Update
Mental Health Champions Network
The city-wide network was established in Summer 2022. Led by Public Health the network brings together children and adult’s mental wellbeing champions from partners across the city. The agenda is needs led and guided by the insights from organisations highlighted by its champion. Champions cascade the network’s learning and resources into their organisations. The key themes for organisations and residents are identified and the network achieves a whole system approach.
2022-23 Achievements
Mental Health and Wellbeing Calendar
A mental health and wellbeing calendar has been developed which focuses on different Public Health awareness campaigns which take place throughout the year. Ideas range from getting blood pressure checks so any issues can be picked up early to taking part in Stoptober, the 28 day stop smoking challenge and getting winter vaccinations to stay well. Relevant resources and case studies are identified to support the campaigns and all partners are encouraged to support and promote the campaigns.
The calendar promotes the ‘five ways to wellbeing’ to help lift your mood, release feel-good endorphins and support your long-term mental health. This has formed the basis of the Public Health Annual Report for 2023 / 24.
Mental health conditions can affect everyone and do not discriminate by age, ethnicity, background or social status. There is a role for public services, educational settings, members of the local community, voluntary, social enterprise sectors and local businesses to create a supportive community, with a focus on emotional wellbeing, building resilience and promoting good mental health. The Mental Health Training and Competencies Framework has been developed between the Children’s, Public Health and HR Mental Health Champions.
Partners IN Salford Mental Health Training offer will go live in coming weeks with Salford’s training resources available for workers across the city. Champions have collated and assured available mental health and wellbeing training with the purpose of skilling the whole city to support residents and colleagues to improve their mental wellbeing.
One exciting development has been the launch of the First Aid for mental health training for staff and volunteers working within Salford City Council and other partner organisations. We hope to train 500 people within the next year. The other parts of the training offer will go live when the website launches.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Learn to support young people
This one-day course is available as a face-to-face session delivered in Salford.
- Gain an in-depth understanding of mental health and factors that can affect wellbeing in the youth sector
- Develop practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
- Feel confident to step in, reassure and support a young person in distress
- Enhance your interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening and learn to champion self-care
MHFA Champion Course
This course is available as a face-to-face session delivered in Salford.
This one-day course trains you as an MHFA Champion, giving you:
- An understanding of common mental health conditions
- Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
- Ability to spot signs of mental ill-health
- Skills to support positive wellbeing
To sign up to the First Aid Mental Health training, email [email protected]
Mental Health and Wellbeing Website
A website has been developed with key information and resources to support mental health and wellbeing. This will be launched within the coming weeks and will be a useful resource for all who live and work in Salford. You will be able to access the website from the Partners in Salford webpages.
The focus of the work within the Mental Health Champions group for the next year will be creative health, social prescribing, mental health and community safety, mental health work and skills along with further support to housing colleagues.
Strategic Housing Group Update
March 2023 saw approval of two key housing strategies in Salford:
Homelessness is everyone’s business – Salford’s Homelessness Strategy 2023 to 2028: provides the steer for an increasingly prevention-focused approach to homelessness in the city, with universal services identified as key partners in enabling early identification and engagement, along with a managed change in the culture and approach by the city’s Housing Options Service. Focused work with private landlords and partner agencies will also boost opportunities to address the main reasons for homelessness, where possible.
A strategic vision for housing and related support for older adults – 2023, is an appendix to Salford’s Housing Strategy – Our Home, Our City 2020 to 2025. This vision describes a more strategic approach to planning homes for people as they age, linked to age-friendly design and environment, and recognises joined up support services are central to enabling people to live healthier, independent lives for as long as possible. Similarly, the vision provides a steer for ensuring older adults are well supported to make decisions about whether to invest in improving their homes or to move elsewhere.
Visit the Housing Strategies webpage to find out more.
Salford City Council’s housing company Dérive has an established subsidiary Dérive RP that has earlier this year been approved as a registered provider (RP) of social housing. RP status allows Dérive RP access to the government’s and Homes England's Affordable Homes Programme so we can build more zero (low) carbon homes for social rent.
Work on 109 homes in Clifton and Ordsall was completed recently, and the first Dérive RP residents started moving into their new homes in May. They range from one and two-bedroomed apartments to two to four-bedroomed homes and include wheelchair accessible properties.
210 homes are also under construction by Dérive in Weaste, Charlestown and Little Hulton. The council has appointed project managers for schemes to create nearly 400 homes in Ordsall, Weaste, Irlam and Broughton, with the companies appointed offering staff time to mentor local young people and volunteer with city organisations as part of the council’s drive for social value.
Board/Partnership Annual Reports
Please click on the links below for a copy of the SSCP and Public Health annual reports.
If you would like us to include anything in our next bulletin or have any feedback, please e-mail the Business Managers for each Board. We are:
- Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) – Jane Bowmer, [email protected]
- Community Safety Partnership (CSP) - Roselyn Baker, [email protected]
- Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) - Kate Pollard, [email protected]
- Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) – Nicola Leak, [email protected]
Free health and wellbeing calendar
Find tips, resources and local support in our new 2024 health and wellbeing calendar