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June 2022 newsletter

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the fourth Partnerships in Salford newsletter. This newsletter has been produced on behalf of the Chairs of the Integrated Partnership Boards.

The statutory boards are:

Further information and resources regarding the above boards and partnerships.

The Salford Safeguarding Adult Board,and the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership also have their own newsletter which offer a good resource of information and signposting to training and other value resources so feel free to take a look by clicking on the links of the individual board/partnership.

The aim of this newsletter is to improve communication across the boards/partnerships, workforce and Partners in Salford and to keep you up to date with developments.

Diary dates to look out for

Throughout the year there are many national days and awareness days and keeping up to date can be difficult so we are going to use this platform to communicate some of the future days and events to ensure every opportunity is made to raise awareness of important humanitarian, cultural and social issues. Watch out for social media and communications.



World Day against People Trafficking

30 July

Cycle to Work Day

4 August

World Suicide Prevention Day

10 September

International Day of Sign Languages and Deaf Day

23 September

Update from the Health and Wellbeing Board

Salford Time for Action Group

STAT’s main focus over the last few months has been on improving primary health care for local people and staff in light of the impact of COVID.

Discussions revealed that some local people are happy with the increasing diversity of ways of accessing primary care (face-to-face, telephone, on-line), which has made things quicker and more flexible for them, others feel frustrated at the time they are waiting for appointments. Many people see going to their G.P. or to a hospital emergency department as their only options. There are also specific issues for people within the population due to disability, culture, language, communication, poverty, etc.

There is a shared agenda between primary health care and local communities in that we all want the same things: the person to be seen in the right place at the right time in the right way. There is a need to rethink the relationships between primary health care and local people and communities – both direct demand on primary health care and the systemic causes of this demand.

LPG/ JSSNA update

The JSNA* (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) is in the process of being updated. Currently there is no set format to carrying out a JSNA, it’s down to the individual local area. Salford is changing its approach from one that focused on a small number of detailed ‘deep dive’ needs assessments, supporting specific commissioning processes, and centred around being produced by the Public Health team to one that will have the addition of ‘strengths’, hence a name change to JSSNA.
Salford’s new approach will include the following features:

  • Cover a broader set of JSSNA chapters
  • Chapters will be shorter and will follow a standardised approach
  • Greater emphasis on strengths (the extra S) and assets. This will be core to the chapters
  • Broaden the ownership of the JSSNA chapters, so to achieve a wider partnership coverage
  • Allocate authorship to a wider array of people with support from the Public Health team
  • Ensure JSSNA chapters are linked to other strategies and objectives across the partnership
  • A prioritisation process for both refreshing and starting chapters to be introduced

*Taken the Department of Health and Social Cares definition being ‘a systematic method for reviewing the health and well-being needs of a population leading to agreed commissioning priorities that will improve the health and well-being outcomes and reduce inequalities and a few key features'.

For more information contact [email protected]

Submitting intelligence reports to Greater Manchester Police

Many professionals work out and about in the community and often spot things that may look suspicious, or they are told things by members of the public that could provide a crucial piece of information for the police in preventing or detecting crime.

Greater Manchester Police’s Force Intelligence Bureau have created a process to facilitate partner information sharing for those ‘nuggets’ of information that need to be shared to help build up an intelligence picture.

To submit intelligence reports, partners should complete the GMP Partner Agency Intelligence Form, which can be found in the Salford information and guidance section, and email it to [email protected]

Please watch this short video (nine mins) which explains more and please encourage all relevant staff to watch it.

This does not replace existing process for reporting crimes or safeguarding concerns but enables the sharing of information that may help to build up an intelligence picture of a potential crime.

For more information contact [email protected]

Family Hubs and Start For Life Programme

The development of the Family Hubs has begun to pick up speed with the announcement on 2 April that Salford were amongst 75 eligible local authorities selected to receive funding to implement the Family Hubs and Start for Life programme. This programme is jointly overseen by the Department of Health and Social Care and the Department of Education. The Best Start for Life: a vision for the 1,001 critical days was published by the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) in March 2021, following the Early Years Healthy Development Review, which was commissioned by the Prime Minister and chaired by Rt Hon Dame Andrea Leadsom DBE MP. Family Hubs are at the heart of this vision for baby-centred services, designed to give every baby the best start for life, alongside offering a whole range of services from 0-19, and up to 25 for a child with SEND.

Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza outside of a Family Hub

On Friday 22 April the Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, came to visit Salford to explore the innovative work being undertaken by the Early Help Service and Route 29.

As the Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel plays a crucial role, sitting at the heart of Government, delivering for children, and championing their voices and needs. We were able to showcase Broughton Hub and describe the multiagency working being undertaken as part of the Family Hub initiative.

On Friday 20 May Jonathan Marron - Director General for the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities at the Department of Health and Social Care and Liz Ketch - Director - Early Years, Children & Families, Department of Health and Social Care came to visit our Family Hubs to learn more about the pioneering integrated working practices which are happening here in Salford.

Jonathan Marron and Salford City Council colleagues outside one of our Family Hubs

To support with the development of the Family Hubs we now have a Family Hubs Coordinator who will expand and open more family hubs to widen the ‘Family Hub and Spoke Network’ into other sites, establishing better coordinated pathways for families with school age plus children and strengthening the offer. We have also jointly employed two posts with Salford CVS - a volunteer coordinator and an engagement worker- who will support the development of an enhanced Family Hub offer through co-production, co-delivery and participation with Communities.

For more information contact [email protected] and [email protected]


The Greater Manchester #BeeWell survey will run for 3 years and surveys the wellbeing of pupils in secondary schools with the aim to deliver positive change in all our communities as a result. Nearly 40,000 young people in years 8 and 10 took part in the survey in Autumn 2021.

Key wellbeing scores at a GM level seem consistent with what we know from other large studies that have used one or more of the measures included in the #BeeWell Survey. Inequalities persist in wellbeing scores, in particular across gender and sexual orientation.

In Salford, almost 63% of pupils at participating schools completed the survey and was one of the most engaged GM locality. #Beewell acknowledges the support of Thrive in Education and Early Help Schools promoting the survey and this is reflected in Salford's high response rate. This was demonstrated by 1,502 responses from Year 8 pupils, and 1,365 responses from Year 10.

In summary, the scores over the wellbeing domains demonstrate Salford young people experience greater wellbeing than the GM average in most neighbourhoods and all Salford neighborhoods show levels of positive effect above the GM average. All neighborhoods score higher than GM average for life readiness.

All of GM, including Salford have a way to go reaching recommended lifestyle targets for good health including physical exercise, nutrition and sleep. All of GM, including Salford demonstrate low participation in arts, culture and entertainment, yet Salford is rich in assets.

Explore the #BeeWell survey results in depth.

Where Salford had excellent level of participation, 47% of students and their schools did not take part. Therefore, caution must be taken making neighbourhood-wide assessment of young people’s emotional wellbeing. The second annual survey will be undertaken in Autumn 2022.

What does this mean for Salford? Where trying to interpret the cause of the wellbeing effects indicated by the #BeeWell survey, #BeeWell stress that the most pertinent response will be from the young people in each neighbourhood and that this above all can inform our priorities going forward. Each school has been given their response data to consider. Salford has used the data to inform engagement themes via The Listening Hub and are seeking insights from our youth engagement groups.

For more information contact [email protected]

Salford Thrive Plan

The Salford Thrive Plan 2022-23 is our integrated local transformation plan (LTP) for children’s emotional health and wellbeing. The plan sets out the over-arching work programme and priorities for children and young people’s emotional and mental health over the next 12 months. The report sets out the positive work which has taken place this year, which has been significant.

Salford has had a shared vision to improve Children and Young people’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing since 2015, and despite a Global Pandemic and a global trauma for everyone, significant work has progressed in Salford to mitigate some of the widespread impacts we know will have been experienced.

We still have much to do and we want to ensure this generation’s mental wellbeing is acknowledged, responded to, and that we have the right support at the right time from the right people. We also want to provide hope and post traumatic growth for our children and young people by strengthening the preventative and supportive interventions we put in place.

We are developing mental wellbeing champions in each sector in Salford to support us with this agenda. We wish to develop a trauma responsive system in Salford to equip our communities, professionals and care givers with the knowledge and understanding of how to become trauma responsive in all our lives.

We also want to promote approaches to normalise ‘growing up’ and include support around Understanding yourself and self-help strategies, transforming your thinking including coping mechanisms, conquering stigma and labels, improving confidence and self-esteem and developing a sense of purpose and community, volunteering, engagement, and empowerment. We also want to promote the Five Ways to wellbeing.

Salford Thrive Plan | Partners in Salford

For more information contact [email protected]

Update on Housing

Development of a strategic vision for housing and related support for older adults

The Housing Strategy Team has been working on the production of a strategic vision for housing and related support for older adults.

The aim of this work is to help strategically steer the provision of housing, including specialist homes, suitable for older adults. This work will also ensure services are available to support people to continue to live in their own homes and to ensure that there is good access to information, advice and support to older adults about housing options and moving home.

Along with a review of national, regional and local strategic drivers and analysis of local data, the team have conducted a literature review of the key policy/research documents in this field, to identify common themes and issues. The findings of this work have been tested out, consulting with 154 older adults, to ensure that we capture what is most important. A further stakeholder event has also helped to further shape the key emerging priorities and consultation with the Strategic Housing Partnership has helped to finalise the draft priorities and these will be shared with key stakeholders in the coming months.

Development of Salford’s Homelessness Strategy 2023

A similar process is taking place to review and refresh Salford’s Homelessness Strategy. An initial stakeholder event will be held in early July to test out the early findings of the review of the strategic drivers and local policy context, and to help identify what’s working and where gaps may exist.

There will also be a strong steer from people with lived experience supported by our partners: Loaves and Fishes, and through engagement with households currently accommodated in Salford’s statutory homeless temporary accommodation. Engagement with partners, stakeholders and people with lived experience will be on-going throughout the strategy development so that our final strategy will very much be a partnership approach to preventing and relieving homelessness in Salford.

For more information contact [email protected]

Early Help For Families – Parenting Courses

Salford’s Early Help Family Partnership are pleased to share that we have a range of free on-line courses available to Salford residents who play an active role in a child’s life, from antenatal to 19 years. Please share with Salford parents.

These courses give information in jargon free, bite sized chunks to help parents and carers support children’s physical, emotional and brain development. The courses are evidenced based and have been developed by multi-disciplinary teams including health, education and psychologists. They are proven to improve emotional wellbeing and relationships within families.

There are a number of main courses including Antenatal, Understanding your Baby and Child; and a number of shorter courses covering topics including the teenage brain, child feelings and mental health. They are available in several learning styles, translatable into over 100 languages and are available 24/7. Technical support is also available.

For further information about the Solihull Approach on-line courses please visit our Being a Parent webpage which also has a number of resources detailed to support families in Salford:

Being a parent • Salford City Council

Details of online courses for parents and parents to be

For more information contact [email protected]

Board/partnership annual reports

Please click on the links for a copy of the SSAB, SSCP and Public Health annual reports.

Briefing documents published

If you would like us to include anything in our next bulletin or have any feedback, please email the Business Managers for each Board. We are:

Free health and wellbeing calendar

Find tips, resources and local support in our new 2024 health and wellbeing calendar

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