November 2023 newsletter

Welcome to the Partnerships In Salford Newsletter. This newsletter is produced on behalf of the chairs of the Integrated Partnership Boards.
The aim of this newsletter is to improve communication across the boards/partnerships, workforce and partners in Salford and to keep you up to date with developments.
The statutory boards are:
- Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB)
- Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP)
- Community Safety Partnership (CSP)
- Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB)
Further information and useful resources about the above boards/partnerships can be found on the Partners In Salford webpage.
The Salford Safeguarding Adult Board, and the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership also have their own newsletter which offer information and signposting to training and other resources, so please click on the links above to find out more.
Diary dates to look out for
There are a number of important awareness days and events coming up over the next few weeks.
- 20 to 24 November - Safeguarding Adults Week
- 25 November to 10 December - 16 days of action against domestic abuse. This is an international campaign which starts with White Ribbon Day on 25 November and ends with Human Rights Day on 10 December.
- 1 December - World Aids Day
- 2 December - Fuel Poverty Awareness Day
Salford parks alive with the sound of music in 2023
We know when we have hit the right chord when more than 375 event applications are made, with a record number of applications coming from ethnic minority groups across the city.
Our events programme includes music, food and cultural activities from across the world: Dragon Boat Racing at Salford Quays are broadcast to China; Salsa rhythms from Portugal vibrate in Ordsall; African beats shake-up Albert Park. While at Salford Firework Weekend we hope more families from our minority communities were able to attend, as well as appealing to younger families as we added an early evening firework show to the programme.
The Pink Picnic provide the drama and colour to mid-summer as audiences now top 7,000, while Clowes Park plays host to gentler more relaxed activities for a local Friendship Circle.
We are seeing more people visiting events in the city, with more than 250,000 people attending an event. The diverse range of cultural activities, performances and food offered at these events continues to grow.
Please visit Organising an event in a Salford public park, green space or open space if you would like to find out more or apply to hold an event in Salford in 2024

Safeguarding Children's Partnership Update
Private fostering
We want to make sure all children and young people in Salford are safe and well looked after, and private fosterers are offered support with their caring responsibilities. So we need everyone to be aware of what private fostering is and how you can help.
Private fostering is when someone other than a parent or close relative is caring for a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if they are disabled) for 28 days or more. We ask that all staff either ask private foster carers they are aware of to contact the council, or contact the council themselves via the Bridge through Worried about a child. The private foster carers can then be offered support to carry out their caring responsibilities.
Please contact the council’s Private Fostering Lead James Quinn at [email protected] for further information and training for your services.
Child Sexual Abuse Practice Week 17-24 November 2023
This is the SSCP’s first multi-agency practice week and call to action for Child Sexual Abuse.
During this week we aim to raise awareness and strengthen the multi-agency approach in identifying and responding to Child Sexual Abuse in Salford. The prevention and protection of Child Sexual Abuse is a priority for the SSCP and our commitment to children, young people and their families is set out in our recently published Child Sexual Abuse Strategy 2023-2026 (Adobe PDF format).
We are calling for your action to ensure all practitioners, managers and leaders who work with families take part in the CSA practice week. Please visit the Child Sexual Abuse Practice Week pages on our website which contain lots of information about training / events taking place throughout the week. You will also find useful resources which highlight the importance of working together to prevent sexual abuse and protect children from its harm and aim to improve information sharing and quality of practice across the partnership. Collectively we can make a difference, please access and share the training resources across your workforce.
For continued improvement and provision of resources please complete the short survey with your feedback and recommendations – this will support us to evidence impact and build a confident and skilled workforce.
Cultural Consciousness 7 Minute Briefing
Learning from local and national reviews has highlighted that practitioners could do more to try to fully understand the impact of cultural identity on the daily lived experience of children. The SSCP recently published its Cultural Consciousness guidance (Adobe PDF format) and has now developed a 7 Minute Briefing to go alongside it.
Professional Curiosity 7-Minute Briefing
Learning from local case reviews in Salford tells us that sometimes we need to look beyond the surface of what is presented to us to find out what is really going on in a child or young person’s life. Asking the right questions even if you don’t feel comfortable doing so, being ready to listen to the answers and act on what you hear, can really make a difference to a child’s life. Find out more in this 7-Minute Briefing (Adobe PDF format) and watch this space for further resources.
Homelessness and Finances 7- Minute Briefing
The SSCP have developed a new 7 Minute Briefing based on the learning from a recent thematic audit about families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Find out more about how you can help families who are struggling with homelessness or financial issuues by reading this 7-Minute Briefing (Adobe PDF format).
Visit the 7-minute briefing web page for plain text versions and all other published 7-minute briefings.
Early Help Assessment
Salford’s new partnership designed Early Help Assessment tool, has been launched and briefings have been taking place throughout September and October. In case you missed these, you can find all the information and new tools on our refreshed Partners In Salford webpage. The Early Help Assessment Training programme continues with new dates added. Click on the link to book your place for either a virtual or face to face session. If you would like to know more about the new assessment tool or how we can support your organisation with Early Help and Team Around the Family, contact our Early Help Coordinators Gary Woodward or Mel King via [email protected] or call 0161 603 4239.
Salford Schools Partnership
Salford Schools Partnership is now working across all areas of the city. Salford Schools Partnership is a new strengths-based model of early help in schools to support children and families, responding to problems as soon as they emerge.
Salford School Partnership is a collaborative way of working across schools, services and settings with children, young people and their families at the centre. Based on a ‘team around the school’ approach, it is an opportunity for a multi-agency partnership discussion to develop a clear plan and connect families to the advice or help they need as soon as they need it from the people best placed to help them.
Families must agree to be discussed at Salford School Partnership. To discuss Salford School partnership further, please contact your School Co-ordinator;
- [email protected]- West schools
- [email protected] – Central schools
- [email protected]– South schools
- [email protected] – North Schools
Family help in schools
The council launched a Miss School Miss Out campaign in September to show the importance of attending school to parents and children and the impact on education, social skills and future prospects. This is part of children’s services school attendance scheme, supported by the Department for Education.
As part of the council's work with schools, we are testing a new way of supporting families to improve school attendance in 11 secondary schools in the city. Family Help Practitioners are working with children and young people and their families from the 11 secondary schools with highest rates of persistent absence. The aim is to explore and understand the root causes of why children and young people are not attending school.
The Family Help Practitioners will work in partnership with the whole family, bringing together school, the family, and any other involved agencies to formulate a shared plan. Support will be coordinated through a Team Around the Family. They will work towards a shared goal to improve school attendance by addressing wider need and building on current strengths and resources within the family, child/young person and school.
For further information please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Safeguarding Adults Board Update
Safeguarding Adults Week 20 to 24 November
This is led by the Ann Craft Trust and is a great opportunity to promote safeguarding within your organisation and remind people about their responsibilities.
The national themes for the week this year are:
- Monday - What's my role in Safeguarding Adults?
- Tuesday - Taking the Lead on Safeguarding in your Organisation
- Wednesday - Who Cares for the Carers? Secondary and Vicarious Trauma
- Thursday - Adopting a Trauma Informed approach to safeguarding adults
- Friday - Listen, Learn, Lead - Co-production with Experts by Experience
There are lots of resources available on the Ann Craft Trust website including podcasts, videos, links to guidance and a social media toolkit.
Safeguarding Adult Review - Christopher
We have recently published a Safeguarding Adult Review Christopher.
Christopher was a gay man with long term health conditions. He passed away after a short spell in hospital where he disclosed being a victim of domestic abuse (including coercive and controlling behaviour). Christopher lived with his long-term partner and was known to have challenges in relation to both his physical and mental health.
The learning event for this review has been rearranged and will now take place on 13 December. All those who were booked on the original date will automatically be sent the new invite.
For anyone else wishing to attend, please email your name, role, organisation and manager's details to: [email protected]
New 'Hidden Harms' domestic abuse video
This video originally developed by Norfolk SAB has been adapted for use in Salford. It looks at the different types of domestic abuse and explains what that might look like in older adults, however it can be used more widely. It can be used to educate professionals and can also be used with members of the public. Please watch it and consider how you can use this excellent resource.
Community Safety Partnership Update
Anti-social behaviour - Designated powers to Registered Social Landlords to issue Community Protection Notices
Salford City Council’s Environmental Protection team is planning to deliver a further session of online training for Registered Social Landlords who want to have designated powers to issue Community Protection Notices.
These powers, will enhance landlords' existing toolkit to deal with anti-social behaviour and nuisance from tenants. For more information about the legislation, please see Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
For more details, please contact David Rhodes on 0161 925 1262 or email [email protected].
Public Space Protection Orders
Following a period of consultation, the councils Environmental Team has recently extended the Councils Dog Control and Alcohol Consumption Public Spaces Protection Orders for a further three years. Further information can be found on the council website at Public Spaces Protection Orders.
If you want more details, please contact Neil Smith on 0161 793 2933 or email [email protected]
Health and Wellbeing Board Update
New vape offer for council workforce
This year’s Stoptober campaign has recently taken place, throughout the month of October. You may have seen the TV and radio adverts, as well as the adverts across social media platforms. This Stoptober, the council's Stop Smoking Service launched it's offer of providing a free vape starter kit to colleagues who want to stop smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes and have tried other quit methods before. Research shows that vapes can be a useful aid in helping people to stop smoking cigarettes, and eventually go completely smoke free.
The vaping offer will be rolled out to anyone who lives, works or is registered with a GP in Salford from early 2024. This will be accompanied with follow up support sessions, with the goal of moving away from vaping within the year.
Further information can be found on the Salford’s Stop Smoking webpage or to arrange an initial telephone conversation to explore the best quit aid option to help you; please call: 0800 952 1000 (option two) or email: [email protected]
New 'What Will You Miss' Greater Manchester quit smoking campaign
On the back of a successful Stoptober campaign, Greater Manchester's Making Smoking History team have launched a new stop smoking campaign. The campaign is part of wider ambitions to become a smokefree city region by 2030. It ties in with the government’s UK-wide consultation on its stopping the start plan which aims to continually raise the age at which people can smoke to stop young people taking it up. Salford’s Tobacco Alliance are submitting a Salford wide response to the consultation, to feed in please email; [email protected].
Additional funding has been announced for mass media campaigns across the country. The new Greater Manchester campaign highlights the importance of hard-hitting health messages for people to make changes to quit smoking.

For more information, please visit the 'What Will You Miss'? pages on the Greater Manchester Integrated Care website. The campaign resources are available for partners on the Make Smoking History webpage.
Neighbourhood personas
A set of 'neighbourhood personas' to help the council understand and communicate better with communities across Salford is being created by the Strategic Intelligence Team within the Public Health service. The complete set of 48 personas (six per Salford neighbourhood) will demonstrate the typical characteristics of different communities in relation to demographics, public health, housing, occupation, income and preferred channels of communication along with several other variables.
The aim of the personas is to support the Joint Strategic Strengths and Needs Assessment (JSSNA) to help with engaging with communities and commissioning services, but not to represent specific real individuals. The personas draw on a variety of data sets, including the Mosaic classification tool provided by Experian, with additional input from teams across the council with deep knowledge of Salford communities. They have been designed to closely reflect the findings of the 2021 Census. For further information, please contact [email protected]
Getting Serious about Co-production
Co-production will be a key part of the refresh of the Locality Plan for 2025-2030, with a focus on neighbourhood involvement through the promotion of strong and resilient communities to improve Salford's health and wellbeing.
As part of this work, ‘Getting Serious about Co-production’ was the theme of the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Development Session in October. Members took part in an interactive workshop led by Chris Dabbs and colleagues.
A selection of case studies were shared with the group as well as professionals experience of taking part in co-production. A discussion focused on 'What is co-production?' as people think they are or have delivered co-production activities when really, they haven’t.
For further details on co-production, contact Chris Dabbs - [email protected]
Mental Health Champions Update
Train as Mental Health First Aid Champion (various dates) – get knowledge and the confidence to advocate for mental health awareness, spot signs of mental ill health, and support positive wellbeing in this one-day training course. For further information and date information contact [email protected]
So far around 400 people have trained as Mental Health First Aid Champions, coming from a wide range of organisations, including Salford Community Leisure, Salford City Council, Salix Homes, Fire Service, Big Life, Gaddum Centre, Six Degrees and RHS Bridgewater.
New mental health and wellbeing webpages have gone live
Whether you are worried about your own mental health or about someone you know, getting the right support in a quick and effective way is important.
Our Mental Health and Wellbeing webpages on the Partners in Salford website, bring together local information in one place from the NHS, council and other sources. This includes:
- How to get help if needed
- What Specialised help is available
- Thriving in Salford – for good mental health or emotional wellbeing
- Courses and training opportunities
This is a really useful resource for all those who live and work in Salford.
Board/Partnership Annual Reports
The SSAB Annual Report 2023-24 (Adobe PDF format) and one-page Summary (Adobe PDF format) has now been published.
If you would like us to include anything in our next bulletin or have any feedback, please e-mail the Business Managers for each Board. We are:
- Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) – Jane Bowmer, [email protected]
- Community Safety Partnership (CSP) - Roselyn Baker, [email protected]
- Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) - Kate Pollard, [email protected]
- Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) – Nicola Leak, [email protected]
Free health and wellbeing calendar
Find tips, resources and local support in our new 2024 health and wellbeing calendar