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September 2022 newsletter

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the fifth Partnerships In Salford Newsletter. This newsletter has been produced on behalf of the Chairs of the Integrated Partnership Boards.

The statutory boards are:

Further information and resources regarding the above boards and partnerships.

The Salford Safeguarding Adult Board,and the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership also have their own newsletter which offer a good resource of information and signposting to training and other value resources so feel free to take a look by clicking on the links of the individual board/partnership.

The aim of this newsletter is to improve communication across the boards/partnerships, workforce and Partners in Salford and to keep you up to date with developments.

Diary dates to look out for

Throughout the year there are many national days and awareness days and keeping up to date can be difficult so we are going to use this platform to communicate some of the future days and events to ensure every opportunity is made to raise awareness of important humanitarian, cultural and social issues. Watch out for social media and communications.



Movember Month

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month to raise awareness of men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s suicide

Movember | Prostate Cancer UK


Trans Awareness Week

This week helps raise the visibility of transgender people and address issues members of the community face.

13 to 19 November 2022

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week is organised by the Anti Bullying Alliance (ABA). The ABA is made up of anti-bullying organisations from all over the UK

Tackling bullying in the NHS infographic

14 to 18 November 2022

National Safeguarding Adults Week

21 to 27 November 2022

Disability History Month

A month of activity to raise awareness and support people with disabilities

22 November to 22 December 2022

Carers’ Rights Day

Carers’ Rights Day is organised by Carers UK. It aims to help:

  • ensure carers are aware of their rights
  • let carers know where to get help and support
  • raise awareness of the needs of carers.

24 November 2022

16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

25 November to 10 December 2022

National Grief Awareness Week

To raise awareness of the impact of grief

2 to 8 December 2022

International Volunteers Day

Unique chance for volunteers and organisations to celebrate their efforts to share their values and to promote their work within their communities

5 December 2022

New adults multi-agency safeguarding policy and procedures

The SSAB has recently launched its new multi-agency safeguarding policy and procedures which are provided by an external organisation with significant expertise in this area called Tri-X.

We encourage all professionals to have a look at the new procedures and practice guidance which is much more comprehensive than our previous version. It contains the overarching procedures, practice guidance on specific topics as well as local guidance and resources. There is still some work ongoing, to strengthen the local resources and in relation to self-neglect, so we will provide further updates on progress with this later in the year.

There are also some national resources provided by Tri-X which you can access, these are the Care Act 2014 and The Mental Capacity Act 2005 Resource and Practice Toolkit.

The resource contains links to national guidance, case studies and resource such as videos and we are sure practitioners and managers will find it really useful.

We are holding our third launch event via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 19 October 2022, 10 to 11am. Please email your name, role and organisation to [email protected] to request a place.

If you were unable to attend one of our launch event / demonstration sessions, please contact us via [email protected] to request the recording or register your interest at attending a future event.

National safeguarding adults’ awareness week 21 to 27 November

Safeguarding Adults Week is led by the Ann Craft Trust and takes place in November. This is the perfect opportunity for organisations to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. This year the theme is ‘Responding to Contemporary Safeguarding Challenges’ and the themes for the week are:

  • Monday – Exploitation and County Lines
  • Tuesday – Self-Neglect
  • Wednesday – Creating Safer Organisational Cultures
  • Thursday – Elder abuse
  • Friday – Domestic Abuse in Tech Society
  • Saturday and Sunday – Safeguarding in Everyday Life

Do you / does your organisation have anything planned? It’s not too late… there’s still time to plan activities and events to raise awareness of safeguarding and/or the specific themes identified.

Please contact Michelle Hulme ([email protected]) if you would like any further information or to share what you are doing.

Economies for healthier lives

Economies for Healthier Lives is a programme supported by the Health Foundation for local partnerships to use economic development strategies to improve health and reduce health inequalities. This project directly relates to the key priorities of the Salford Way. Through a partnership led by Unlimited Potential, using a community wealth-building approach, Economies for Healthier Lives in Salford is currently in a scoping phase to explore the viability of:

  • the commitment of anchor institutions to identify practical market opportunities through discretionary expenditure
  • the interest and commitment of local people to become suppliers to anchor institutions through mutually owned social enterprises

So far, seven anchor institutions have engaged with the project, with potential market opportunities emerging from an analysis of their supply chains. There is also a group of young adults from Walkden and Little Hulton that is meeting regularly to explore social and co-operative business approaches. Evaluation by the University of Salford and learning with the RSA will be shared with the Health Foundation with a view to further development.

For more information, or to join the project, please contact Orla McCann (Project Manager) at Unlimited Potential.

Engaging with the private sector on health and wellbeing

The COVID-19 situation showed the potential and readiness of businesses to improve the health and well-being of local people and communities.

Some 25% of all businesses have social benefit as part of their mission. Many local businesses are rooted and invested in their local communities; some are ‘anchors’ for local people. Most businesses recognise the business imperative of optimising the conditions for health and well-being.

Current economic changes offer new opportunities to engage with businesses. The public sector can influence the behaviour and focus of private sector organisations through commissioning and procurement. Public service and VCSE agencies can act as brokers to link communities and community groups that need help with local businesses that can provide it.

Salford Health and Wellbeing Board is starting to explore engagement with the private sector on improving health and well-being, and the reduction of inequalities, in Salford. To share your thoughts or suggestions to inform next steps, please contact Chris Dabbs (Chief Executive) at Unlimited Potential.

Housing updates

The production of Salford’s next Homelessness Strategy is progressing well. To date, a review of the last homelessness strategy outcomes and analysis of the strategic drivers and local intelligence has been undertake. Following a stakeholder event in July, engagement with people with lived experience is helping to inform the production of some draft overarching priorities and objectives. These will be shared with key stakeholders shortly, with a view to conducting a public consultation in September.

The production of Salford’s strategic vision for housing and related support for older adults is drawing to conclusion. The draft document is currently being produced with a view to future final consultation on that with key partners.

The Strategy and Reviews Service is currently producing the latest Housing Dashboard, which provides a range of data about housing in Salford for 2021/22, and this will be made available in September.

Family Hub

This last August saw the celebration of the 60th Birthday at Little Hulton Nursery and Family Hub. Family fun, activities, fire engines and a network of services were on offer to families across Salford to raise awareness of the local offer in the Family Hubs as well as celebrate the nurserys' achievements in the last 60 years. The day was opened by local professional boxer, Jaime Moore, owner of The Den, Walkden who himself had attended the nursery.

Across the hubs over summer there were a number of HAF activities being delivered through local organisations such as Big Local, Health Improvements, and Salfords own Youth Services. Two of the highlights of these activity days were Salford Youth Day, which took place on the 12 August and Salford Youth Pride on the 11 August. The theme for this years Youth Day was 'Aim high, Build for the future'. Youth Day celebrations have become bigger each year with more young people wanting to share the positive impact they have on their communities.

The Family Hubs have also enjoyed seeing their new Stay n Play session at Swinton, being run by a local volunteer. The sessions have been so busy the queues have been out of the door and through the centre. Due to the high demand for this type of session for families in Swinton there are now plans in place to offer Stay n Plays across the city supported by our Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities Parent Group Leaders, and volunteers recruited through Salford CVS.

Family Hubs continue to work closely with Salford CVS engaging in community and outreach work to explore and expand the offer within the hubs and bridge any gaps identified during this process. An exciting project is currently underway with The Lowry who are designing a 'Wish Tree' with young parents that will go on tour across Salford. The purpose of the tree is to capture the views of families, children and young people to understand what they would like to see for their community. The tree will be on tour until February 2023 when it will then be exhibited in the Lowry for everyone to see. The hope is that the tree will support the development of the Family Hubs by listening, sharing and ensuring the community voice is at the centre of our work.

For more information contact the Early Help Family Hubs Coordinator, [email protected]

Youth mental first aid

Salford Thrive

Salford Thrive have trained trainers across Salford to deliver Youth Mental Health First Aid courses.

Mental Health First Aid is an internationally recognised course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis.

Our trainers have already delivered to people who work with or care for young people and trained 50 Mental Health First Aiders. Who have a more in depth understanding of specific mental health issues – depression and anxiety, suicide, psychosis , self-harm and eating disorders and how to promote protective factors and good parenting.

Mental Health First Aider

Seven more MHFAider training sessions are scheduled for 2022-23 and additional training will be added to create more mental health Champions and offer half day introductory Mental Health Aware courses to people working with young people across the city.

Salford’s dedicated Mental Health First Aid England schools training courses scheduled for the Autumn and Spring terms. The team are also now delivering Mental Health and Well Being in the Workplace, 2 day Ambassador courses which will help to facilitate the implementation of an effective approach to mental health and well-being within the school, service or organisation.

Salford Thrive in Education (our school mental health support teams) are into the third year, and we are celebrating our trailblazing work for 2022-23 with a school engagement event at HOST in September. TiE schools will have the opportunity to meet service managers and practitioners from the school mental health support teams, our Educational Psychology Service and School Co-ordinators. They will also find out what training we will offer schools this year and hear about our other projects and developments to support children and school staff.

Board/partnership annual reports

Please click on the links for a copy of the SSAB, SSCP and Public Health annual reports.

Briefing documents published

If you would like us to include anything in our next bulletin or have any feedback, please email the Business Managers for each Board. We are:

Free health and wellbeing calendar

Find tips, resources and local support in our new 2024 health and wellbeing calendar

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