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Early Help Strategy

On behalf of the Salford Safeguarding Children’s Partnership, we are pleased to share Salford’s Early Help Strategy, which sets out our early help approach and plans for the way we work with children, young people and their families to enable them to thrive.

This strategy builds on our existing early help approach and reflects the work of our diverse and active partnership in the city. As we refresh the strategy, we celebrate the work that has already been done and look forward to the next stage of early help and how much we can achieve together to support children, young people and families in our city.

The approach and strategy supports our ambition to shift the balance of power towards families and communities, so that the work we do with children, young people and their families builds on their strengths and is led by their voice. This approach is crucial in improving outcomes for children, young people and their families as well as managing demand and cost pressures.

Our early help approach reflects our joint commitment as partners to work collaboratively to provide the earliest help and support for children and young people who need it, so that they and their families receive the help they need as soon as they need it from the people best placed to help them.

This strategy is vital in this context, bringing partners together to deliver our ambition to develop a strong culture of early help in Salford where families know where to go to seek advice and feel confident to ask for help. A city where families don’t have to ask twice – acting early to get families the advice and help they need is everybody’s responsibility.

This strategy and approach is an opportunity for us to shape new ways of working and develop the services, skills and tools that will help us achieve our ambitions. Its success is reliant on the effort and commitment of all partners in the city, including children, young people and their families.

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