Engagement lead
Remember to use Salford's Local Offer to signpost families where possible.
One of the professionals working with the child / young person will be named as the Engagement Lead.
Depending on the age of the child and their current needs, the lead may change from time to time. However we want to avoid frequent changes that could confuse families.
The Engagement Lead will build a strong relationship with the child / young person and their family, and could be:
- Health Visitor
- Neighbourhood Officer (housing provider)
- Community Nursery Nurse
- Family Support Worker
- School Health Adviser
- Children with Disabilities Social Worker
- Specialist Community Public Health Nurse
- Learning Mentor
- Children's Centre Worker
- Transition Worker
- Early Support Family Worker Portage
- Personal Tutor
- Connexions Adviser
Key principles of the Engagement Lead
- Child first and foremost - listen and understand
- Putting the family at the centre of the process - the needs identified by the parent/carers
- Listen and understand - look at things from the family's perspective
- Co-production
- Enabling rather than providing
- Local
- Integrating
- One assessment / plan
- Empower and enable the family - help the family find solutions
- Support the family access help from the local offer and universal services
To support the Engagement Lead, information, resources and tools have been put together. Please see downloadable documents at the bottom of this page.
Q. What is the relationship between the Engagement Lead role in the new SEND 0-25 pathway and the Lead Professional role in the emerging Early Help approach?
A. In many ways these two roles are similar and during the SEND 0-25 pathfinder in South Locality we will consider whether they can be described as the same role.
Currently we are using the term Engagement Lead specifically for SEN and Disability work and are keen to emphasise the role of engaging a family, seeing things from their perspective, helping them find their own solutions and advocating for them if necessary.
The SEND 0-25 pathway will use a Family Assessment in some cases, and the worker named as the Engagement Lead will have the formal responsibility for co-ordinating this. If a family would benefit from support with respect to both disability and other early help needs, we will decide case-by-case how to manage this. Our principle is that families should always be aware who is their one main point of contact - even when lots of different specialist organisations are supporting them.
Downloadable documents
- Voice of the Child - Tools (PDF, 369kb)
- The Family Assessment form, Family Assessment Review form and supporting guidance are available here
- Multi-Agency Meeting template (Word, 20kb)
- Multi-Agency Meeting template - review (Word, 19kb)
Early Years
- Gathering information
- Request / referral forms
Key Stages 1-4
- Gathering information
- Request / referral forms
Growing up in Salford (14-18)
- Gathering information
- Request / referral forms
- My Story - Post 16 Young Person (Word, 47kb)
- My Story - Post 16 Parent (Word, 46kb)
- Growing up in Salford booklet (PDF, 2.8mb)
- Growing up in Salford - errata (PDF, 1.6mb)
- Transition process flow chart (PDF, 160kb)
- My Health Action Plan (Word, 430kb)
- Preparing for adulthood transition plan (Word, 232kb)
- Teenage to Adult Group poster (PDF, 486kb)
- My preparing for adulthood skills and aspirations booklet (Word, 303kb)
- Preparing for Adulthood Information exchange (PDF, 1.7mb)
- Preparing for adulthood one page profile (Word, 25kb)
Preparing for adulthood (18-25)
One Page Profiles - suitable for any age
- One Page Profile - Four Squares (Word, 52kb)
- One Page Profile - Horizontal Panels (Word, 122kb)
- One Page Profile - Newspaper Columns (Word, 64kb)
- One Page Profile - blank (Word, 50kb)
- One Page Profile - Read all about it (Word, 66kb)
- One Page Profile - Two Columns (Word, 68kb)
- One Page Profile - Vertical Name (Word, 82kb)
- Tips for using one page profile templates (PDF, 657kb)
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