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Pathfinder - who's in?

The pathfinder will test a new 0-25 SEND pathway in South Locality (Eccles, Irlam and Cadishead) from September 2017 for at least 12 months.

All types of support to children with disabilities are included: education, social support, leisure, housing, health and so on.

Only children and young people in South Locality who appear to require support from two or more services or organisations should follow the new pathway.

If you have already started working with a child in South Locality you don't need to go back and start again. But if the child's needs change significantly you should use the new pathway to review the support required.

Q. Is it children who live in South Locality or children who go to school there?

A. We can't give a definitive answer to this as it depends on the child's circumstances. We will assess each child individually as to whether to include them. However, this will only be a potential issue during the pathfinder, as we intend to use the new pathway across the whole of Salford once it has been tested and refined.

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