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SEND 0-25 meetings

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The meeting will be attended by the family, child / young person, Engagement Lead and other professionals working with the family / child.

The meeting will take place in the most suitable and accessible venue for the family, such as school, and the multi-agency meeting could be as a Team around the Family, Family Services plan meeting, CIN / CP meetings.

The multi-agency meeting will have the authority to drive forward actions, make decisions, agree funding / resources whilst ensuring the family are fully engaged in the process.

Following allocation, the Engagement Lead will co-ordinate the multi-agency meeting as soon as possible ensuring that the time and venue are suitable for the family. Tuesday is the preferred day to hold MAMs to help ensure professionals' availability.

Parent or carer, child or young person, Engagement Lead, other professionals working with the family such as Educational Psychologist, housing provider, CAMHS worker etc.

The Family Assessment Tool can be used as the key document for the meeting, with the family and professionals completing the assessment at the meeting from which the action plan will be developed. The completed Family Assessment paperwork to be submitted to CAF Team [email protected].

Alternatively use the Multi-Agency Meeting template (Word, 20kb) or Multi-Agency Meeting template - review (Word, 19kb)

At the end of the MAM time should be allocated for everyone, both families and professionals, to complete feedback on the pathfinder. To access please use the following links:

'How to' guides on accessing the forms have been created, these are available in the downloadable section at the bottom of the page along with printable versions of the feedback forms.

Next steps:
Agreed action plan implemented by child, family and professionals. Progress reviews through further engagement and meetings as required by child, family and professionals.

Where needed a request for Multi-Agency Panel (MAP) to explore high cost / high complexity solutions - please see below for more information.

The multi-agency panel will have representation from the Local Authority (education & social care) and CCG (health) and will meet on a monthly basis.

The main function of the panel will be to consider requests emerging from multi agency meetings which require:

  • Commissioning decisions
  • Education Health & Care Planning decisions
  • Allocation of resources from High Needs Block funding
  • Innovative solutions which fall outside of traditional pathways or established custom & practice.

Referrals to the MAP will be via the SEND Pathway Administrator, to contact please use the following email address [email protected]. The Engagement Lead will attend the panel to present the case.

The referral form is available in the downloadable section at the bottom of the page.

The Multi-Agency Panel will have representation from the Local Authority (education & social care) and CCG (health), the Engagement Lead will attend the MAP to present the request.

The Multi-Agency Panel referral form will need to be completed and emailed to the SEND Pathway Administrator along with a copy of the documentation from the MAM.

Next steps:
Engagement Lead to update family and other relevant professionals; Progress reviews through further engagement and meetings as required by child, family and professionals.

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