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NEET Reduction Strategy

Included within the Employment and Skills Strategy were also a number of key priorities and objectives for supporting young people to achieve and progress in education and work, but since its publication the proportion of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) in Salford has continued to remain well above national and sub-regional averages, with little progress being made to increase participation and attainment in post-16 education and training.

For this reason, we have felt it necessary to produce a comprehensive and detailed strategy that outlines and articulates the actions and approaches we will take to reduce NEET in Salford over the next two years. This strategy covers the 16 and 17 year old as part of the local authority’s statutory responsibility to track and support young people, but also includes the support for 18-24 year olds who are also unemployed, and where there are specific vulnerable groups such as youth offenders, looked after children, those with SEND. A comprehensive action plan accompanies the strategy which will be worked on over the next two years.

Whilst the council will be accountable for the delivery of the strategy, it is important to recognise that reducing NEET and increasing participation in education and training is not just a civic or social duty, but a fundamental requirement that partners and stakeholders from across the public, private and voluntary sectors should agree to collaboratively deliver to achieve a more inclusive and prosperous local economy. The strategy has been considered by the council’s Youth Employment Partnership, which includes internal teams such as Next Step Leaving Care Service, SEN, IYSS and also external partners including Salford City College, University of Salford, GMCA, DWP, local training providers, Skills and Work team and schools.

The strategy has been to the Youth Employment Partnership and Skills and Work Board for consultation and has been signed off by Councillor Merry. The strategy was launched 15 April 2019.

In light of the pandemic we have completed a review of the strategy and action plan to plan recovery for our young people as we emerge into a new labour market with its challenges and opportunities.

The full consequences and impact of the pandemic will take time to unfold and understand. We will present quarterly updates to the Youth Employment Partnership and Skills and Work Board from April 2021 and carry out a full review of the strategy and it’s impact by the end of March 2022.

For further information please contact [email protected]

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