Salford Women and Girls' Commission
It’s been one year since the Salford Women and Girls' Commission published its final report and recommendations. Since then, organisations across the city have been working together to turn these into action. Watch our video below to find out more about the work being done across the city to improve women's skills and access to good quality work, improve women's safety, and ensuring women's voices are heard.
Welcome to the official web page for the Salford Women and Girls’ Commission, launched in February 2022. We’re proud that Emmeline Pankhurst, a women’s equality campaigner was raised in Salford and want to continue her legacy with our Commission.
Our aim was to generate a conversation, providing a platform for women to speak freely and find local solutions to some of the most pressing issues around inequality. Early engagement sessions with women from communities across our city helped us identify three themes to focus on:
- Women in Poverty
- Women’s Safety
- Women’s Voices
For twelve months, Salford Women and Girls Commission heard countless stories and reviewed numerous pieces of evidence of very real experiences and challenges faced by women living and working in the city. They’d like to thank everyone who became involved, from submitting evidence and sharing views to attending meetings and community events.
After the information gathering phase, the commissioners compiled their findings and formulated recommendations in a report. This was launched at an event on International Women’s Day (Wednesday 8 March 2023) with partner organisations pledging to help turn ideas into action. It’s only by working together with organisations across the city can we ensure these recommendations are taken forward and help make a real difference to women and girls in Salford.
Watch a video from the event

Photos from the launch event
Downloadable documents
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